Now it is very easy to buy your domain and hosting needs within Pakistan without having any credit, visa or master card. Buy your domains by paying locally using local payment options in Pakistan. Like you can buy .COM or PK domain through easypaisa, mobicash, ubl omni, jazzcash, UPaisa. We also accept payments for your domain and hosting invoices via Pakistani Local banks and for foreigner clients pay us via paypal.
Visit us for cash payments at: Office No. 107, 1st Floor, Sajjad Centre, H-3 Block, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Standard Chartered Bank, Main Gulberg Branch, Lahore.
Bank Alfalah Limited Gulberg Branch, Lahore.
IBAN: PK28ALFH0028001003882164
Habib Bank Limited Gulberg Branch, Lahore.
IBAN: PK88 HABB 0022977000546803
You need Above details to pay via Easy Paisa / UBL Omni / Mobi Cash / U-Paisa
At checkout point, you will be asked to select your desired payment way to proceed with payment, if you are in foreign country and have paypal account or credit card then you can choose this gateway to pay instantly.
You need Above details to pay via Western Union, Money Gram or Coinster